Andrew Dymski is a co-founder of DoInbound, a process and project management platform for inbound marketing agencies and GuavaBox, an inbound marketing agency. He is a lacrosse coach on the side and loves doing almost anything outside. He is also the co-host of Inbound Agency Journey, a weekly podcast for agency pros.
What you’ll learn about in this episode:
- How Andrew and his business partner Gray MacKenzie started their agency while they were still in college and the transformation that GuavaBox has overwent since then
- How Michael Gerber’s “The E Myth” transformed how Andrew’s agency was ran
- Using blogging as a method for separating yourself
- Why clients will leave if communication is poor -- even when you’re doing great work
- DoInbound: a tool for creating templates that power the delivery of services just for inbound marketing agencies
- How creating DoInbound has helped the way Andrew works with his clients
- Why you need to figure out your vision and share that with your core team
- Listing and pruning your agency’s list of deliverables
- How to create processes with your employees and get them to actually follow the processes created
- How many processes are too many processes?
- Why you need multiple iterations of processes
- What meetings about processes with your employees should look like
- What you can do right now to put some of the ideas from this episode in place without freaking out your team
Ways to Contact Andrew Dymski:
We’re proud to announce that Hubspot is now the presenting sponsor of the Build A Better Agency podcast! Many thanks to them for their support!